Microsoft's feeling a little down if the latest Windows code-name rumour is true – we could be talking about Blue instead of Windows 9.
In fact, it may not even refer to Windows 9: Microsoft expert Mary-Jo Foley reckons that the company is moving away from major OS updates and instead focusing on smaller, more regular improvements.
So Blue could turn out to be Windows 8.5 or something similar and Foley's contacts tell her that it will land in the summer of 2013.
Even if Microsoft has only vaguely considered Blue as a codename, it's quite an interesting move for a company known for its blue screen of death.
That's if you can believe what you read on a registration page for Windows 8 DevCamp, where it's referred to thusly.
Microsoft had to ditch Metro after a German firm that owns the Metro trademark threatened Microsoft with legal action.
It's not the best name we ever heard, but it's certainly a preferable alternative to the other options, which include "Windows 8-style UI", "New User Interface", "Windows 8 design" and "Windows 8 application".
In fact, it may not even refer to Windows 9: Microsoft expert Mary-Jo Foley reckons that the company is moving away from major OS updates and instead focusing on smaller, more regular improvements.
So Blue could turn out to be Windows 8.5 or something similar and Foley's contacts tell her that it will land in the summer of 2013.
Even if Microsoft has only vaguely considered Blue as a codename, it's quite an interesting move for a company known for its blue screen of death.
Dabadee dabada
In other Microsoft naming news, the Windows Phone and Windows 8-friendly Metro UI looks set to be known henceforth as Modern.That's if you can believe what you read on a registration page for Windows 8 DevCamp, where it's referred to thusly.
Microsoft had to ditch Metro after a German firm that owns the Metro trademark threatened Microsoft with legal action.
It's not the best name we ever heard, but it's certainly a preferable alternative to the other options, which include "Windows 8-style UI", "New User Interface", "Windows 8 design" and "Windows 8 application".
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